
impact the world with your story and Get paid for every word

Your Journey To The Stage Begins Now

Painful To Profitable is a unique mentorship program that helps ambitious speakers, aspiring entrepreneurs, and career changers get paid to speak in 1 year or less without needing millions of followers.

Rev. Kimesha McDowell


You deserve to impact the world with your story and Get paid for every word

Get Paid To Speak...Without Millions Of Followers!

  • Feel like you're putting a lot of effort into speaking but have no system to keep you organized and focused

  • Tired of people always inviting you to speak..... without compensation

  • Always speaking locally or on podcast but never booked & accommodated to speak outside of that.

  • ready to experience being a digital nomad. You can work from anywhere in the world.


Before vs After

  • confused about how to stand out as an expert in your niche

  • unclear on how to create a system and strategy that gets you paid for speaking, teaching and mentoring.

  • frustrated about not being able to transition your free and online audience to paid and in person.

  • annoyed with people continuously asking you to speak without compensation.

  • clueless about networking with businesses that will book you to speak.

  • tired of being chained to a corporate desk knowing you have much more to offer the world

  • clear on how to stand out as an expert in your niche

  • clarity on how to create a system that generates a steady monthly income for you.

  • clear blueprint for transitioning your audience from free and online to paid and in person.

  • clarity on how to ensure that you are compensated for speaking

  • confident about networking with the right businesses that will book you

  • clear blueprint to go from corporate to working any where in the world

Here's Your 1 Year Blueprint To The Stage

Pain-Point Investigator

Helps you transform challenges you have overcome into profitable ideas, speeches, books, programs etc

Unique Niche Navigator

Helps you pinpoint and understand your ideal clients within your unique niche

Brand Story Banger

Helps you craft a customized, magnetic brand story that attracts companies to book you.

Authority Powerhouse Online & Offline

Helps you master organic marketing and customer attraction by using your authority to transform online events to in person events

Networking Strategy For Getting Booked

Helps you build a powerful support network to receive sponsorship for speaking events

Sales Samurai

Helps you learn effective sales techniques and strategies as well as create a sales pipeline to consistently generate leads and generate income from speaking

Unique Program Propeller

Helps you design engaging and impactful program offerings with unique naming strategies

Negotiation Strategy For Getting Booked

Helps you negotiate & optimize pricing, incentives, and strategies for receiving compensation.

Pain To Profit-Fire Your Boss Exit Strategy

Helps you create an exit plan & develop a strategy to leave your corporate job and transition into your new business full-time.


What Other's Say

"This was a transformation for me"

-Shetara, The Healing Doula

"She made me dream big"

- Shannaire, Holistic Wellness Coach

"I realized that I had a gift that I could never put a language to"

- Dominique, Intuitive Coach

ABOUT DR. Kimesha

Meet Your Guide

Hi, I'm Dr. Kimesha and I would love to be your guide! My goal is to help you get paid to speak so that you can unhinge yourself from your corporate desk in 1 year or less and you won't even need millions of followers to do it.

Not sure if I can help you get results? Here's a little bit about me.

  • Doctor Of Metaphysical Psychology

  • 8 year background in sales & direct marketing via USPS

  • Booked To Speak All Over The Country 4 Years Consistently

  • Consistently profited from a unique signature online course

  • Hosted multiple retreats nationally and internationally

  • Successfully authored and sold multiple books & branded T-shirts for 8 years +


Choose your plan

1 Year Mentorship

  • Biweekly group coaching for 1 year

  • Lifetime access to 9 Step Painful To Profitable Blueprint Training & Mastermind Group

  • Dragon Slayers Training For Entrepreneurs

  • 3 Bonus Guides: 30 Day Content Strategy Worksheet, The Customer Avatar Worksheet, The 28 Day Imposter Syndrome Slayer Journal

Today Just


1 Year Mentorship + Customized Monthly Marketing Strategy

  • Everything in the Painful To Profitable Blueprint 1 Year Mentorship

  • Monthly 1:1 Marketing Strategy Calls

  • Basic training on using top tier systems for automation, lead generation, funnel building, landing pages, & email nurturing sequences

  • Invitation to be apart of BlaQ Fire Nation Alumni & the speakers network

Today Just



Success Guarantee

Considering how much financial uncertainty and how big of a risk you are taking. BlaQ Fire Nation guarantees that throughout the duration of the mentorship, participants will be supported in creating their 27 step actionable plan . This actionable plan will be utilized in creating opportunities to get paid to speak provided participants complete the entire program, attend all check point meetings, implement the action plan and follow each step of the plan with fidelity. If participants are not supported in creating their 27 step actionable plan; Painful To Profitable, then they may request a full refund one week after the program concludes. This guarantee is only applicable if participants show proof that they have completed all requirements of the program during the allotted time frames. If they cannot show that they have completed all requirements during allotted time frames, they do not qualify for a refund in any portion. This guarantee is NOT applicable to the monthly payment plan.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I still have questions & I'm not sure?

This is an important and life changing investment. I understand if you would like more clarity before you make a final decision. Feel free to email me @ learning@blaqfirenation.com

Is there a refund policy?

Considering how much financial uncertainty and how big of a risk you are taking. BlaQ Fire Nation guarantees that throughout the duration of the mentorship, participants will be supported in creating their 27 step actionable plan . This actionable plan will be utilized in creating opportunities to get paid to speak provided participants complete the entire program, attend all check point meetings, implement the action plan and follow each step of the plan with fidelity. If participants are not supported in creating their 27 step actionable plan; Painful To Profitable, then they may request a full refund one week after the program concludes. This guarantee is only applicable if participants show proof that they have completed all requirements of the program during the allotted time frames. It's a win win. This guarantee is NOT applicable to the monthly payment plan.

Copyrights 2023 | BlaQ Fire Nation ™ | Terms & Conditions